With the technological advances today, people have become lazy. They are allowing machines to do all the work for them instead of doing the labor themselves. While in some aspects, advancing is good for the people and the economy. But when it come to our food, mass production has a negative effect on how it has modified our produce today.
Have you or someone you know eaten a fast food meal? Some french fries or a cheeseburger? The chicken fingers at the restaurant down the street? Truth is, most of us are guilty of eating some type of fast food because it has become more convenient for people then buying and making their own food. Our food has gone from FRESH to PROCESSED.
Now allow me to clarify the meaning of processed because most of the time there is confusion. Most food today have to be processed if we haven't grown and picked it ourselves. Oranges are cut from trees, and meat has been cut by machines. But the difference is between MECHANICAL processing and CHEMICAL processing. It doesn't matter if ingredients have been put in a jar or cut up for packaging, it's still REAL WHOLE FOOD with no chemicals.
PROCESSED FOODS are generally known as food that have been chemically processed and made from refined ingredients and artificial substances.
According to Kris Gunnars, here are 9 ways that food is actually slowly KILLING us.
1. Usually high in sugar and fructose corn syrup.
2. Are "hyper rewarding" and lead to overconsumption.
3. Contains all sorts of artificial ingredients.
4. Many people become addicted to processed junk foods.
5. Are often high in refined carbohydrates.
6. Are low in nutrients.
7. Tend to be low in fiber.
8. Requires less energy and time to digest.
9. Are often high in trans fats or processed vegetables.
We need to eat more WHOLE and FRESH food instead of fast food! Our health is depending on it!!
Interesting topic but this just ends abruptly; sign off and create a sense of resolution at the end.